Saturday, March 10, 2012


I am in the process of revamping this blog. My personal blog is That's What She Said and my Etsy shop is That's What She Made, so I'm going to change the name of this blog to That's What She Read so it fits with the other names. I also bought a domain name so you can now find my site at Expect some changes around here as I start to put this new name into my blog. Please forgive me if things are a little messy or confusing until I get the new design done.


  1. No worries. Looking forward to seeing the finished products. I think it's great that you are blending all of your blogs and your Etsy shop to have a common title. It shows a lot of solidarity.


  2. I love the name! You can use it for all of these things with just a small twist. So cute. I look forward to seeing what you will be doing around here.
    -FABR Steph@FiveAlarmBookReviews

  3. That's What She Read seems to be a popular name for a book blog. It wasn't when I named mine that over two years ago.
